Learning through movement and play

The therapist offers a wide range of play and exercise material so that all children find a stimulating room of learning. They choose their action by their specific interest and strenghts. These self-determined actions and the experience of success strengthen their self-confidence and encourage them to learn. In this trustful and favorable atmosphere the children can practice and work on achieving their goals.

With the supporting help of the therapist they develop new strategiesand find their own solutions for dealing with difficulties. Equipped with a boosted self-confidence they are able to cope better with everyday life.


To move is essential for a healthy physical development. But it is also a way to express individual feelings and emotions. Through movement we gain experiences and understanding of our body, materials and the social environment.
While moving and acting actively, the senses of seeing, hearing, the tactile perception, the body perception and vestibular perception make us experience the environment.
That`s why the stimulation of the perception is very significant in the Psychomotor Therapy.


Playing is an appropriate way for children to express themselves. It`s fun and motivating. It can help them to discover new things and explore new land. In play children can experiment with new roles, they show in a symbolic way how they experience and interpret their own reality. Since in play all feelings, thoughts and acts are permitted the children have the opportunity to digest daily experiences and to look for new solutions. In addition to that children expand their movment repertoire automatically playing in a room with lots of movement possibilites.

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